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School/Group Visits


GymZone School Visits


GymZone Gymnastics & Athletics believes that children in our community deserve the best opportunity for physical activity! We do our part by offering an active, fun and safe gymnastics experience for children of all ages! Our professional coaches offer support and instruction while building exciting opportunities for children that will encourage a lifetime of healthy living! With physical activity being an essential part of any school program, our structured School-Visits are the perfect addition!



What is our School Visit Program ?


GymZone's School Visit Program allows children in our community to visit our state of the art facility with their class. The students will have the opportunity to experience the exceptional health benefits of a structured activity session under our staff's careful supervision. Our goal is to facilitate an environment where kids can be active, have fun, and most importantly be safe!

How to book ?


In order to receive further information and to book a school visit, please contact Tia at or give us a call at 705-521-1551. If you are reaching out through email, please indicate how many students would be participating, the name of your school as well as the student's grade. 

Our Availability


Our School Visit Program runs all year long for a duration of 1 hour, an hour and a half, or 2 hours. Our weekly availability is :

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday


YES! We are Bilingual!


GymZone Gymnastique a toujours été une partie importante de maintenir les enfants en bonne santé et adapte. Ensemble, nous pouvons donner aux enfants l’occasion d’être actifs par le sport de la Gymnastique. La Gymnastique lui permettra de la dépenser tout en favorisant son développement moteur, sa force physique, son endurance, sa flexibilité et ses habites sociales. Filles et garçons pourront s’exercer sur les différent appareils de Gymnastique en plus de pratiquer le trampoline dans une aire d’entrainement récente et a la fine pointe. Nos activités et équipement de gymnastiques sont adaptes aux groupes d’âge spécifiques. Nous offrons des activités pour les élèves du pré maternel à la 8e année. Tirer bénéfice de cette occasion en organisant une classe visite au GymZone!

*We understand that all class sizes vary, please email Tia at to book and price your visit today!



Land Acknowledgement


GymZone would like to acknowledge the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850. We also further recognize that our facility is situated on the traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, and that the Greater City of Sudbury also includes the traditional lands of the Wahnapitae First Nation. We are grateful to be able to learn, live, work, teach and do gymnastics as uninvited guests, on the lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation. To acknowledge these territories, is to recognize that these Indigenous peoples were here prior to colonization, and that the lands hold significance to them, those who came before them, and their future generations.